Two Salesforce Chatter Features to Save You Time

by | Sep 17, 2021 | Salesforce

The day you began using Salesforce, you already took a powerful tool for organization, speed, and efficiency into your hands. But there’s always room to go faster and to be more efficient, right? Of course! We’re going to highlight two features in Salesforce Chatter and records that will save you time and help keep you further away from carpal tunnel by saving you thousands of clicks and scrolls as you navigate your records.

Collapse a Section

Did you know that Salesforce pages have collapse sections? Crazy, right? Think of all time you’ll save when you don’t have to scroll past information you don’t need all the time. Take a look below to see how it’s done.

Take a look at an Account record, where it says account information. There will be a down-pointing arrow beside the menu heading.

If you click that down arrow, the section will collapse down to a single line. Keep in mind: Salesforce is smart and will remember what sections you have collapsed. If you see anything missing from your page the next time you sign in, looking for section labels with right-pointing arrows is a great place to start.

Filter and Search a Salesforce Chatter Feed

Salesforce also allows you to filter and search within your chatter feeds. When it comes to saving time, this feature is even better than collapsing sections. This is a straightforward feature that works in both Lightning and SF Classic.

In Classic, under where you post to chatter, there is a magnifying glass icon.

Salesforce Chatter search

Click that icon and you can enter whatever search term you’re looking for. You can also filter your chatter by most recent post and latest activity. 

Salesforce Chatter filter

 Maybe you want to see the most recent post. Or you just remembered something So-and-So said at the beginning that has now become critical information. Save yourself the scrolling: Filter the chatter. Search the person who posted it.

This is what searching and filtering looks like in Salesforce Lightning.

Start using these features today to save yourself some time and take these record pages into your own hands. You already know Salesforce is a powerful tool. Now you can make it a faster one too!

If you’d like to learn more about using platforms like Salesforce, integrating existing systems with Salesforce, or custom platform development, we’re here to help. Drop us a line any time!

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